May 12, 2012

Ghosts in Bedroom

What Suicide Told His Sister : Strange Inquest Story.
    The story of a man who committed suicide, after declaring that he had been haunted by ghosts in his bedroom, was told at an inquest in Hackney to-day on Edward Gazzar (20), a potman waiter, employed at Dalston-lane, Hackney.
    Gazzard died from coal-gas poisoning, and the Coroner (Dr. Edwin Smith) recorded a verdict of "Suicide while of unsound mind."
    Evidence was given that Gazzard had very high ambitions, and was not satisfied with the progress he was making in the world.  He told his sister that he occupied a room where a man had shot himself, that he had seen ghosts and different coloured lights in the room, and that he heard rattling on the window.
    His socks had also disappeared from the room.  (Yorkshire Evening News, 1928)

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